When: December 18th, 2019 (Wednesday) 6:00 to 7:30 PM (Date changed from Dec. 11th due to cold temps)
Where: Meet in the St. Aloysius School Parking Lot//Gym at 5:50 PM
What: Students & Families with kids in the RE program and parish families will be visiting "The Pines" and "Maplewood Assisted Living Facilities" & Caroling to the residents while spreading the Joy of Christmas with warm smiles, cards, & Song!
Dress: Please wear (Warm) layers as we will be riding on the hay wagon!
Bring: Cards for the residents made by the children to share with the residents.
Permission Slips: Can be found HERE Children will not be allowed on wagon without a signed permission slip. Treats or snacks to share in the gym when we return (optional).
Hot Chocolate will be provided.