All Catholics share in the mission that the Lord gave to the Church: to proclaim the Gospel and to make Him present in the world. We do this in many ways – in our homes, places of work, and civic life.
Stewardship is a way of life. It is a way of living each day in gratitude for all the blessings that God has given to us. We do not own the gifts God gives to us. We are only here on earth to use those gifts to do God's work. The roots of stewardship can be found in the Bible, which tells us over and over that God is the Creator and Giver of all gifts. It is our responsibility to show our gratitude to God for these gifts, by giving back to Him a truly grateful share.
Our goal at Divine Mercy Parish is to express a strong sense of this mission in our common parish life, as well as assisting this mission at the diocesan level. We have been given a job to do – to make the Lord known, and to make Him present in our place and time.
Our hope is that all the members of Divine Mercy Parish will see their participation in parish life as their way of helping to fulfill this mission.
All parishioners are asked to support Divine Mercy Parish financially, according to their means, so that the work is done here to help more people know, love and serve the true God can continue. More broadly, parishioners are invited to support the efforts of the Church at the diocesan level.
Each parishioner should also prayerfully consider what he or she can do to participate directly in some of the many aspects of parish life described in these pages.
Planned Giving
Planned giving is a way to leave assets to the parish that provide current and future benefits to the donor. Our responsibility to pass on the faith from generation to generation continues through the good stewardship of so many. Because of this generosity, those who plan their giving are able to leave a legacy that will help many even after they passed on to the next life.
We want to educate our parishioners about gift opportunities they may have never thought possible.
Retirement Savings Options >
The Charitable Gift Annuity >
The Benefits of a Charitable Bequest
Benefiting from Unneeded Life Insurance
Charitable Remainder Trust
Charitable Lead Trust
Gifts of Appreciated Securities
Our spiritual and outreach efforts exist only through the generosity of parishioners who donate their time to commit one hour a week to do a Holy Hour at our Perpetual Adoration chapel, work at our Lenten fish fries, volunteer to help out at our summer festivals, host funeral dinners, assist with office tasks – to name a few.
Parishioners offer their unique capabilities to enhance the liturgy (as lectors, cantors, servers), to beautify our environment (our grounds, buildings, publications) and to contribute to the temporal welfare of the parish (with expertise in maintenance, financial matters, and so on).
The life of the Church could not continue without the faithful financial support of its members. Our parish has numerous expenses, like any other organization. But unlike businesses, we don't make money to be able to pay for our expenses. We depend entirely on the generous donations of our parishioners. No other group or institution pays our bills.
We are blessed to have generous parishioners who understand the need to support and give to our parish. We provide with different means to conveniently give consistently throughout the year. There are three ways in which you can share your treasure with Divine Mercy Parish: