Congratulations on the announcement of your engagement! We want to walk with you in the weeks and months ahead as you approach one of the most important days in your life: the day on which you begin to live the sacred covenant of Christian marriage.
By asking to be married in the Catholic Church, you are publicly professing your faith in the Lord Jesus and proclaiming your desire to live as married disciples of Christ for the rest of your lives. We invite you to reflect often on this beautiful, sacramental aspect of marriage. Sadly, our culture is very often confused about what marriage is and how this institution should be lived out according to God's plan. With this being the case, we want to do all that we can to help you understand and live out your vocation, or calling, to be disciples of Jesus Christ and to form a Christian family.
“For this reason a man shall leave father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.”
Ephesians 5:31-32
All of our policies and requirements concerning marriage are designed to help you make wise and well thought out decisions as disciples of the Lord Jesus. None of the policies or requirements is arbitrary, and they are not intended to be a burden. But to prepare well for marriage does require much more than “booking the church.”
As you reflect on living your engagement and marriage as faithful disciples of the Lord, you may find that you are called to some conversion in attitudes, priorities, or behavior. It is a natural human instinct to want what we want, with as little cost or trouble to ourselves as possible. But your marriage is worth more than that. Your marriage will be one of the very most important realities in your lives. In His love for you, the Lord wants your marriage to be as full of love and life and joy as it can be. But the way to that result is the way of following the Lord Jesus. And that way will always involve some sacrifice.
We at Divine Mercy Parish are committed to Christian marriage. We want all couples to understand the greatness and beauty of the life to which they are called. We want to challenge them and help them to live the vocation of marriage as faithfully and as generously as they possibly can.
We will help you with all the elements that are part of marriage preparation in any Catholic parish. There are certain formalities required by the law of the Church (affidavits, baptismal records, and so on). There are opportunities to reflect on the nature and obligations of marriage, and on the practicalities of married life. There are the arrangements for the ceremony. We deal with all of these elements - which are always part of marriage preparation - but we strive to do it in a way that keeps the focus on living the Faith in its fullness.
Detailed information about celebrating the Sacrament of Marriage at Divine Mercy Parish can be found in question and answer format on the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) about marriage page.