We are very excited about our new online giving platform, Pushpay, because it's an easy and secure way for you to make donations or payments to our parishes.
In the interest of making it easier for you to give, you do not need to create a login or password to set up a one-time or recurring gift to our parishes.
Simply click the appropriate button below to give to your parish:
- Donate to Divine Mercy Parish (St. Aloysius church)
Giving through Pushpay is quick and simple. It's as easy as entering your name, contact info, and payment details. You can set up payment with either a credit card, debit card, or bank account. Think of it like shopping or banking online! You no longer have to worry about taking your paper envelopes to church or writing a check.
It only takes a few moments to set up a recurring gift. Once you set that up, you don't need to worry about logging in anywhere, visiting a site, or doing anything to tithe to our parish. Your card on file will be charged, or the amount will be withdrawn from your account if you've selected to pay via bank transfer each week. You can always access your account through Pushpay to change your donation or the frequency of your giving whenever you want.
In addition to being secure and simple for you, online giving is easier for our parishes in terms of more efficient administration and bookkeeping. It's a win-win for all of us.
Pushpay works together with ParishStaq, providing a comprehensive system for our pastorate's needs. We appreciate your support and commitment to our parishes through this new, convenient giving method.

With PushPay:
With PayPal: